• Are we what we eat?


    A reflection on food as a life choice involving health, ethics, sustainability and personal responsibility.

    1. Introduction to the topic:

    Group work :

    ask your friends what they had for breakfast this morning, where this food was purchased and whether it is organic.  Choose one person to report for the group.


    Type of food



    Number of students



    Home produced


    Local cooperative


    Organic store













    White bread








    Whole bread
















    Biscuits / Cookies








    Fresh fruit








    Canned fruit








    Dried fruit
















    Cow's milk
























    Chocolate spread








    Almond spread








    Peanut butter








    Vegetable milk

























































     2. Comment on the data collected:

    Individual written work :

    Most of us... / A majority of us... / A significant number of us... / Some of us... / Hardly anyone in the class... / Only a few of us... / Very few students... / None of us... have... eat... consume... buy / purchase....from...


    3. Follow-up at home :

    Keep a journal for 2 days. For those of you who don't know if your food is organic or where it comes from, ask your parents / care-takers.  

    WHAT WE EAT AT HOME (2 full days)

    List of food

    - breakfast

    - lunch

    - snack

    - dinner







    Local cooperative



    Organic store




































     4. Food and health

    - Brainstorm (vitamins / proteins / carbs / vegetables / greens / legumes (beans, lentils, peas) dairy / fats / fruit / nuts / grains / fiber / calories / salt / pepper / spices / sugar / water / herbs...)

    In our opinion, eating healthy food gives you an oppurtunity to have a healthy life and healthy body, in other words to be in good shape (= fit).

    Eating healthy food can prevent a lot of diseases

    When you buy food from a local cooperative, it's healthier also for local economy.

    The human body needs vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to be in good health and these nutrients are in fruit and vegetables and a variety of other foods.

    As far as we're concerned, eating healthy means having a balanced diet.

    We also need to think about where we get our food from.

    We need to be aware that some foods are packed with pesticides which have a disruptive impact on our health.


    September 11th:

    Study of the updated version of the Australian food pyramid

    September 12th:

    page 18 (cartoon) 

    news flash page 23 (on the quest of an obese American)

    September 13th:

    news flash page 23 recap and sequel

    radio ad page 30 "Robinson's Fruit Shoot" (target? product? techniques?)

    September 14th:

    radio ad page 30 "Subway" (target? product? techniques?)

    Group work : radio ad "Heinz"

    Homework : commentaire du poster page 19 "What does dropping litter make you look like?"

    Are we what we eat?

     September 18th:

    Document recap

    Video study on food and poverty

    Homework :

    1. être capable de restituer le travail de présentation du poster page 19

    2. faire un compte-rendu oral sur la vidéo

    (type of document / message / personal reaction)

    September 19th:

    Food and poverty : comment on the video

    - poverty & pride (result of cultural conditioning)

    - how can you help? (group work)

    Homework :

    Do you think it is the responsibility of the state to make sure nobody suffers from poverty in a country? (150 words)

    September 20th:

    - a few guidelines for the essay

    - written comprehension page 22

    Homework :

    In what way does text n°1 illustrate a culture shock?

    September 21st:

    travail sur la compréhension du texte et sur le travail d'expression

    September 25th:

    Mise en commun du travail d'expression.

    Text 1 and culture shock recap

    Text 2 : first reading

    Homework : read the text again and explain what you have understood and in what way the text is interesting for our present topic.

    September 26th:

    - relecture du texte 2

    - parenthèse sur l'utilisation des dictionnaires en ligne

    outils à utiliser :

    linguee (traduction)

    word reference (traduction)

    thesaurus (synonymes)

    dictionary (définitions)

    September 27th :

    Recap on the reasons why text 2 is interesting for our reflection on life choices.

    No impact man page 184 and podcast

    What radical changes in your lifestyle are required to have no impact on the environment?

    homework: do you see yourself and your family making such radical choices ?

    September 28th:

    - mise en commun

    - what I could do without... what I couldn't do without

    Homework : PPC sur le thème de la séance de travail

    October 3rd:

    - document page 24 : We're not nuggets (campaign promoting a vegetarian diet)

    - 10 reasons to go vegan (video promoting a vegan diet)

    - Preparing to debate :

    Did you know that...?

    Do you realize that...?

    In my opinion...

    Homework :

    Read the article and find more arguments against eating meat.


     October 4th:

    Going over ideas for the debate

     For or against meat eating?

    Preparing to debate

    Reacting in a debate

    - You're absolutely right! / Exactly what I think! / I couldn't agree more!- I agree with you... however... / I suppose you're right... but I can't help thinking... / Yes, I see your point but...

    - I can't let you say this! ... / This is outrageous! / You can't possibly think that...

    October 5th:

    Debating method :

    1. Introduce yourself

    2. One person states an opinion or fact.

    3. The next person reformulates what he understands and expresses his agreement or disagreement, then states his own opinion or fact.


    I read the other day that... / I saw a documentary about... which said that...

    End of sequence present:

     October 12th:

    Debate preparation