• Brainstorming :

    a theatre / in and around drama

    theatre - stalls - balcony - seats - audience

    stage - backstage - props - mask - costumes - set - curtain - lights - soundtrack - loudspeakers

    theatre play - tragedy - comedy - act - scene - lines - dialogue - monologue -

    playwright - director - prompter - actor - actress

    CE page 168 pour compléter le lexique :

    cast - characters - performance - plot - rehearsals - rehearse



  • Sequence about New York City


    New York City skyline

    1. Skyscrapers of New York page 60 and 61 - CE


    2. The Empire State Building - CO

    Recap de la CO et expression écrite à partir des éléments prélevés.

    3. Ellis Island - introduction

    vocabulary + pronunciation



    Ellis Island - Compréhension orale

    For most of the millions who arrived in Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty embodies the dream of a new life. For some it eventually came true while for others it remained only a dream. Place of disappointment within sight of a towering symbol of hope.

    She (the statue) appears suddenly : the embodiment of the American Dream so close and yet far away.

    She beckons the tired the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free.

    Starting in 1892 for 60 years, 12 million immigrants came through Ellis Island.

    In 1907 more than 11000 arrived in one day.

    The immigrants climbed the steep stairs into the Great Hall where doctors examined them and decided who was free to go, others were held for treatment and possible deportation.

    The immigrant processing centre closed in 1954 was restored and is now a museum.


    Countries immigrants mostly came from were Ireland and Italy.  The Irish and Italians were escaping poverty and unemployment. Germans and Polish Jews came to the US to flee persecutions.

    They all hoped for a better life, job opportunities for themselves and their families and freedom.

    Video study : the Greek experience

    For Greeks, just as for other immigrants, going through Ellis Island was a very stressful experience.  It generated a lot of anxiety.  They were worried (=concerned) that they or members of their families would be turned away (= refused / sent home). They had to pay an admission fee of 25$ as they went trhough the medical examinations.

    It must have been something for these Greek people who left tiny villages, who had never travelled and who got a ship across the Atlantic to arrive in a completely different world, a bustling multi-ethnic city with a lot of nationalities.

    SCRIPT :

    City of glass


    - recap

    - the Ellis Island Experience CE page 63


    - recap

    - révision de la voie passive page 68

    p 68  n 1

    a. The place where New York is located was discovered by Giovanni da Verrazano in 1524.
    b. The area where New York is now situated was occupied by the Algonquins in the 16th century.
    c. A trading post (named New Amsterdam) was established by the West Indian Company on the island of Manhattan in 1624.
    d. The island was bought by the settlement’s first governor for a small sum of money in 1626.
    e. New Amsterdam was renamed New York by the English after they seized the city in 1664.
    f. The city was taken by George Washington after the end of the hostilities with the English in 1783.

    p 68 n 2

    a. Central Park was created based on plans by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux.
    b. The Chrysler Building was built in 1930. At the time, it was the tallest skyscraper in the world.
    c. Fake crowns of the Statue of Liberty can be bought on the ferryboat.
    d. The Flatiron is known all over the world because of its strange shape.
    e. Many neighbourhoods of New York like DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Brooklyn
    Overpass) have been rehabilitated over the past few years.
    f. Many movies / films are shot in New York because it is a romantic city.


    Ellis Island legal inspection

    29 questions : can you imagine what they were? (group work)

    Mise en commun puis comparaison avec les vraies questions :


    • What is your name?
    • How old are you?
    • Are you male or female?
    • Are you married or single?
    • What is your occupation?
    • Are you able to read and write?
    • What country are you from?
    • What is your race?
    • What is the name and address of a relative from your native country?
    • What is your final destination in America?
    • Who paid for your passage?
    • How much money do you have with you?
    • Have you been to America before?
    • Are you meeting a relative here in America?  Who?
    • Have you been in a prison, almshouse, or institution for care of the insane?
    • Are you a polygamist?  Are you an anarchist?
    • Are you coming to America for a job?  Where will you work?
    • What is the condition of your health?
    • Are you deformed or crippled?
    • How tall are you?
    • What color are your eyes/hair?
    • Do you have any identifying marks? (scars, birthmarks, tattoos)
    • Where were you born? (list country and city)
    • Who was the first President of America?
    • What are the colors of our flag?
    • How many stripes are on our flag?  How many stars?
    • What is the 4th of July?
    • What is the Constitution?
    • What are the three branches in our government?
    • Which President freed the slaves?
    • Can you name the 13 original Colonies?
    • Who signs bills into law?
    • Who is the current President of the United States?
    • What is America's national anthem called?




  • Destination Liverpool


    Introduction brainstorming:

    football / the Beatles

    Revising directions with the map page 114


     February 5th :

    Finding your way in Liverpool (p. 114)

    CE : Liverpool capital of culture

    - history (iconic buildings, maritime heritage, 2nd city of the British Empire, economic downturn after the first world war, renaissance...)

    - famous port / harbour (maritime, majestic river)

    - arts & culture (Neptune theatre / Empire Theatre...)

    - mordern cosmopolitan city

    Liverpool was elected  European capital of culture in 2008 because it's a big city with different qualities. Indeed Liverpool has a long history: it was created in 1208 and expanded to become the 2nd city of the empire. But after world war 1 the economy of the country crashed. Then,the city went through a rennaisance which made it modern day Liverpool. It has a famous habour and a majestic river. In Liverpool there are two theatres, the Neptune theatre and The Empire theatre. The history of Liverpool is very interesting. Furthermore, the city is comsmopolotan and modern.


    Documentary about the Beatles


    A testimony : compréhension orale

    - who is talking?

    Peter is talking.  He left Liverpool in 1986 aged 18. He was glad to leave because there was a lot of unemployment and opportunities were limited. He remembers his grand-parents' house where the toilet was outside  until 1982 when the house was modernized.

    What made it possible for him to leave was that he was lucky to gain a place at university.

    On his last visit, he took the newspaper and read about 4 shootings in the first 3 pages. It was an example of the violence Liverpool has been notorious for. (an 18 year-old shooting an 11 year-old).

    Peter avoids talking about his hometown because it used to have a bad reputation and it was a monotonous city (all the houses were the same).


    CO page 76 : the Past and the Present

    text 1 : a Beatles concert

    Destination Liverpool

    text 2 : traces of the Beatles in modern day Liverpool

    Destination Liverpool

     Entraînement à la compréhension orale : Top of the Pops, part 1

    This recording takes place in the studio of a radio show about music: Music Fans.  The guest is Julie Brown and she has just written a book about the Beatles.  When the interviewer asks her why she is so passionate about them, she says they changed the world of music for generations to come.

    About their career, we learn that it started in 1957 when John Lennon formed his own school band.  He invited Paul Mc Cartney to join him in July 57 and Paul added George Harrison (aged only 14) to the band in 1958. This is when they became the Beatles!


    Hour 1

    Partie 2 en évaluation de compréhension orale.

    Mise en commun :


    Destination Liverpool


    Liverpool football and hooligans

    Destination Liverpool

    Destination Liverpool


    Destination Liverpool

    CO : a football fan

    Destination Liverpool

    Hour 2

    Révisions sur la modalité page 122


    2. & 3. Will have to  / Had to - Won't have to / didn't have to / Will be forbidden - was forbidden


    Révision des modaux suite (exercices 1 & 2 page 123)



    Hour 1

    The Atlantic Slave Trade - CE

    Destination Liverpool

    Hour 2

    Compréhension orale

    The Essex, a slave ship from Liverpool


    Recap de la compréhension orale :

    Destination Liverpool



  • January 7th:

    The Frontier

    Compréhension écrite page 72

    Defining the frontier :

    Imaginary line between explored and unexplored land (the wilderness) during the American conquest of the west.

    People often associate the frontier with cowboys and Indians, horses, saloons, gold miners...

    European settlers (also called colonists) came to the New World looking for a new life.  Some wanted to practice their religion freely.  They explored the territory moving from east to west in search of land to farm and animals to hunt.

    Later, some looked for gold too.

    January 8th:

    Hour 1:

    the Lewis and Clark expedition

    text page 74

    compréhension écrite

    In 1803 the Louisiana territory was purchased from Napoleon by President Thomas Jefferson because it was a French territory at the time.

    Thomas Jefferson asked Lewis (his secretary) to lead an expedition to explore the rivers of Louisiana to find out if there was a water route to the ocean which would be good for trade to transport many resources.

    He also wanted the men to bring back maps and notes of their observations on the geography of the territory and nature.

    Oral comprehension : Who were they?

    Number of people involved in the expedition

    Notes on Lewis / Notes on Clark

    Hour 2:

     The Lewis and Clark expedition was the result of hopes and dreams and many ambitions.  It reflected Jefferson's intellect.

    50 people participated in the expedition.  Among them were the best scientific minds of the day, one African American, cartographers, explorers and eventually a Native American woman joined them.

    Lewis was 29 years old and Clark was 33. They were both single.

    January 14th :


    Both men were also skilled hunters and resourceful. They were experienced backwoods travellers and Army veterans.

    They were brave, smart and funny.

    Lewis was a doctor and knew the medicinal value of plants. Clark was a cartographer and journalist.

    Both were hungry for knowledge.

    Oral comprehension : Video on the Lewis and Clark expedition.

    Part 1 notes :

    1800 : President Jefferson elected

    1803 : Louisiana Purchase / 15 million dollars

    828 000 square miles stretching from the Mississippi Valley to the Rockies

    Part 2 notes :

    May 1804 : the expedition departed

    mission : to find a water route  / a northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean

    Mississippi river / Snake / Columbia

    created maps, documented plants and animals, made contact with several tribes

    A Native American woman called Sacagawea joined them and became a legend of the west

    January 15th :

    Hour 1:

    Part 3 :

    Nov 1805 : the expedition finally reached the Pacific coast

    Sept 1806 : the expedition returned to St Louis after more than 2 years

    It was a great success because they completed their mission and opened the way to the west for the settlers and to American ideals.

    Practice speaking from notes.

    Hour 2:

    Written comprehension page 75 : learn more about Sacagawea.

    January 21st:

    Préparation à la prise de parole en continu.

    January 22nd :


    Chief Joseph speaks :

    Part 1 1)The first explorers Chief Joseph encountered were Lewis and Clark. 2)The Indians were friendly to the white men. 3)Things changed when the white men found gold. The indians tried to keep the peace by helping the white men (they let them pass trhough their land, they didn't kill them, they even gave them land).

    Part 2 1) A lot of Indian chiefs were killed when the white men relocated the Nez Perce tribe. 2) Chief Joseph was very tired of fighting. His heart was sick and sad. He was discouraged. 3) He decided to surrender, to stop fighting.









    Part 3



























  • Using the following link, explore a few states and find out about them.

    If you have problems with vocabulary, use the thesaurus or dictionary.


    Talking about a state.  Choose one of the states and prepare a 1 minute talk about it.


    Hour 1 :

    Documents page 72 :

    Arizona is located in the south west of the US between California and New Mexico right on the border with Mexico.

    The landscape is one of desert and rocks. There are cacti and mountains. Arizona is known as Grand Canyon State.


    Colorado is located in the mid-west between Utah and Kansas. There are high snow-capped mountains which are part of the Rockies mountain range. The eagle is the emblem of Colorado.


    Utah is located in the mid-west of the US between Nevada and Colorado. There is an arch there called Delicate Arch with a view over the Rockies.  Utah became a state in 1896 and the state capital is Salt Lake City and it's also the capital of Mormon country. (Mormons are a religious group)


    Washington state is located in the north-west between Idaho and the pacific ocean, right on the border with Canada.

    The landscape is one of ocean and there are killer whales which are endangered.


    Idaho shares part of its border with Canada. It's located in the North-West of the United-States between Oregon and Washington in the West and Montana and Wyoming in the East. It's a state where forests are very important: people plant trees as an effort of conservation and forestry is a big part of the economy. The capital city is Boise.

    Hawai is also a state but it's composed of a small group of islands in the Pacific Ocean.








    How do you define a hero?

    A hero is a person who is strong and who saves people. It is also a person who represents important values.  For example, I consider Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela as heroes because they fought for other people and were courageous. Everyday people can be real life heroes if they do something exceptionally brave for instance.

    How do you define a role model?

    A role model is a person who inspires people because of who they are.

    They should be kind.

    We admire role models and they are popular.

    They are examples for us because they do good things. They show us the way. They are often charismatic and do what they say. They embody values and show more courage than most people.

    Categories of heroes and role models - activity page 43:

    Cathy Freeman is an Australian athlete.

    Robert Gould Shaw is a famous American war hero.

    Homework : finir l'exercice et apprendre le cours.


    Hour 1 :

    A real-life superhero. Written comprehension page 45

    Who was involved?

    A victim : Cameron Hollopeter, 20, student at the New York film academy, has a stepmother.

    A savior : Wesley Autrey, 50, 2 young daughters, construction worker and Navy veteran.

    What happened?

    Cameron fell onto the subway tracks and Wesley jumped onto the tracks to rescue him. He shielded the 20-year-old with his own body by rolling him into a gap between the tracks.

    Both were unharmed = neither got hurt / injured.

    Revision : fall - fell - fallen

    Prépositions de lieux :


    Hour 2 :

    Finir de relever les informations importantes dans le dernier paragraphe page 45. Se préparer à récapituler tout l'incident à l'oral (sans notes).

    Wesley Autrey became very popular after rescuing Cameron from death.  He was even awarded money and free subway tickets.  More importantly, people consider him as a hero for his courageous action. He, on the other hand, doesn't consider himself as a hero.  He thinks what he did was normal.

    Gorillas in the mist page 46

    Gorillas are an endangered species.  They are tall mammals which can live up to 35 years, measure up to 1.8m and weigh up to 220 kg.

    Dian Fossey was a woman who dedicated her life to the protection of gorillas.  She was assassinated by poachers (people who hunt gorillas illegally).

    Homework : page 46.  remettre dans l'ordre les paragraphes du texte sur Dian Fossey.  Apporter le livre.


    Correction p 46 - CE

    G D B F H C E A

    Travail de groupe pour résumer le texte.

    Homework : s'entraîner à parler de Dian Fossey en utilisant le résumé fait en groupes.


    Hour 1:

    Oral comprehension about mountain gorillas.

    Schema mental fait à partir de notes pour servir de support à la prise de parole.

    Notes :

    a group of tourists

    Rwanda / rain forest / volcanoes

    nature now comes first in this region

    encounter / family of 21 gorillas led by the silver-back Agasha = special

    only 700 gorillas left in the world today



     Hour 2 :

    Suite de la compréhension orale.

    Notes :


     Homework : finir le schéma mental à partir des notes et s'entraîner à parler.

    Apporter les livres.





     Entraînement à la prise de parole en continu.


    Hour 1:

    Prise de parole en continu sur la vidéo "Gorillas in the mist"

    Hour 2:

     Compréhension écrite : page 47

    Sir Edmund Hillary : a famous mountaineer

    - an article from a newspaper called "the Telegraph" / 2008

    1. What was Sir Edmund Hillary's native country? Edmund Hillary is from New Zealand. He was a "Kiwi"

    2. When did he become famous?  What for? He was the first man to reach the Everest peak on May, 29 1953.

    3. Pick out all the words related to his humanitarian work. “... devote much of his life to aiding the mountain people of Nepal and set up the Himalayan Trust through which he built schools, hospitals and bridges in the region.” (l. 15) “... he wished to be remembered mostly for his humanitarian work.” (l. 21)

    4. Find examples of his humility : “He never liked to be known as a hero, preferring to be called ‘Ed’ and considering himself just an ordinary beekeeper.” (l. 17) “Adventuring can be for the ordinary person with ordinary qualities, such as I regard myself,” (l. 28)


    Hour 1 :

    end of oral assessment

    revision of word-making :


     Hour 2 :

    Superlatif :

    repérage :

    fast : the fastest / big : the biggest

    rich : the richest / pretty : the prettiest

    intelligent : the most intelligent / successful : the most successful

    generous : the most generous

    bad : the worst / good : the best

    règle :

    Pour exprimer le superlatif de supériorité (le plus...), on emploie :

    the + terminaison -est pour les adjectifs d'une syllabe et ceux de 2 syllabes se terminant par -y.

    the most + adjectif pour les autres adjectifs.

    Attention aux règles orthographiques :

    y devient iest

    doubler la consonne lorsque la voyelle qui précède est courte:

    "fit" devient "the fittest" mais "great" devient "the greatest" (diphtongue) et "short" devient "the shortest" (voyelle longue).

    page 50 : être ou avoir?

    On remarque plusieurs choses en lisant le texte sur Charlie Chaplin :

    - les anglais utilisent souvent be là où nous utilisons avoir

    he was not afraid : il n'avait pas peur

    he was 78 : il avait 78 ans

    he was lucky : il a eu de la chance

    there were many jobs : il y avait beaucoup de travail

    - tous ces verbes sont au prétérite alors qu'en français on utilise l'imparfait et le passé composé.

    Homework : page 51 n°1 & 2 / Apporter les livres


    Correction des exercices

    Entraînement à la compréhension orale:

    1. Identify the type of document and the speaker(s) - WHO?

    type of recording : interview / documentary / conversation / monologue / testimonial / news report...

    speaker(s) : gender (male or female) / role in the recording

    interviewer : the person who asks the questions in an interview - journalist - presenter - the host...

    interviewee : the person who answers the questions in an interview - the guest

    2. Identify the general topic - WHAT?

    3. Answer the other usual questions : Where? When? How? Why?...

    4. Make sure you pick out significant details.

    5. Write to say what you have understood.

    Who's your hero?


    Hour 1:

    Recap :

    This recording is an interview. A male host is interviewing Suzy. She speaks about an expedition she intends to do next spring. She is going to climb the north east ridge of Mount Everest raising funds for a charity. As a mountaineer she wants to contribute to the fight against cancer. She says she read a book about sir Edmund Hillary when she was little and he has been her hero ever since.

    Ecoute partie 2:

    Suzy remembers watching an interview of Sir Edmund in which he recalled his boyhood.  He dreamed a lot when he was a child and read a lot of books about adventure.  When he became a competent mountaineer, he went after the Himalayas and even went on expeditions to the Antarctic.  He was a real adventurer.

    Hour 2:

    Compréhension orale partie 3 :

    When he got older, he devoted his life to helping the Sherpas of Nepal. He organized expeditions and lead them but he became less active and maybe less sporty. He developed close friendships with the Sherpas. he raised money to build schools, bridges and hospitals. Later, he worried about the huge number of tourists who came and left rubbish everywhere. He was more interested in environmental matters. Suzy says he's an inspiration to her because he fulfilled his dreams and took risks to reach his goals.










































  • Présentation des outils à utiliser cette année.



    Oral comprehension :


     Sheila Hutchinson is Jamaican. She was born on February 29th, 1981 in Kingston, which is the capital of Jamaica. She lives in the USA because she's studying there to become a lawyer. Her passport was issued in 2002 because she's very fond of travelling. She loves visiting foreign countries! She says she goes abroad every summer.

    Practise writing :

    Write a similar paragraph about yourself.


    Cours 1 :

    Oral comprehension practice :

    Notes :

    Her name is Shani Robinson. She was born on February 29th, 1989. She's Jamaican. She was born in Manchester (Jamaica) but she works in France in a lycée.  She needed a passport to go to France and it is very recent. She hopes to visit many European countries before her passport expires.  Her passport was issued in 2008.

    Script :2. My name is Shani Robinson and I was also born in Jamaica on February 29th, but in 1989, in Manchester, which is also in the southern part of Jamaica. I’m an actuary, though at the moment, I work in France in a lycée. I needed a passport to go to France, that’s why my passport is fairly recent: It was issued in July 2008 and will expire in 2018. I hope to have visited many European countries by that time!

    Script 3:

    My name is Sarah Kendal Stine, and I am an American citizen. I was born on January 7th,1986 in Alabama. My passport was issued in New Orleans, Louisiana because it is the state where I live and study now. My passport was issued in 2003 and is valid for ten years.

    Talk from notes :

    Sarah Kendal Stine          American citizen
    January 7th,1986
    passport issued New Orleans Louisiana

    lives and studies

    issued 2003 / valid for ten years.

    Script 4 :

    I’m Debbie Steiner. I was born on June 7th, 1981 in New Orleans, and I’m Anglo-American. I live and work as a teacher in Montgomery, Alabama which is famous because Martin Luther King was born there. I don’t really like travelling but I needed a passport to visit my English family next summer, so my passport is brand-new: It was issued in January 2009 and will hopefully last until 2019 if I don’t lose it before then. I’m so careless!

    Cours 2 :Enrtraînement à parler à partir des notes sur Debbie Steiner. / prise de parole en continu.

    Brainstorm : talking about your personality

    curious / funny / crazy / kind / friendly / smart / stupid / boring / creative / depressed / shy...


    I think I'm friendly and smart.

    My friends say I'm joyful.

    My parents think I'm sloppy but I don't agree.

    I think I'm quite helpful.

    Poems page 20

    travail sur la prononciation et l'intonation (formes faibles pour "can" et "to")

    Révisions : exprimer ses goûts, ses souhaits, ses compétences, les contraintes...

    Homework :

    - relever dans la poème les expressions qui servent à parler de ses goûts, ses souhaits, ses compétences, les contraintes...

    - apprendre le vocabulaire & les phrases pour parler de sa personnalité

    - s'entraîner à lire le poème en prenant en compte le travail fait aujourd'hui.


    1st hour :

    personal tastes (likes & dislikes) :

    I like (+) // dislike / don't like (-) + noun / V-ing / to + BV

    I love (+ +) // hate (- -) + noun / V-ing / to + BV

    I appreciate + noun / V-ing / to + BV (+ +)

    I'm fond of + noun / V-ing (I'm fond of cats / I'm fond of reading comics) (+)

    I'm keen on + noun / V-ing (+ +)

    I'm crazy about (+++) // can't stand + noun / V-ing (- - -)

    I don't much care for + noun / V-ing ( - )

    I can't bear + noun / V-ing  (- - -)

    2nd hour :

    Expressing feelings :

    I feel sad when my cats die. / I felt sad when my dog died. / I feel moved when I think my dog will die one day.

    I feel moved when I read poems.

    I feel overjoyed when I have no homework to do!

    [I feel pissed off when I have loads of homework.]

    I feel sad when the year is over.

    I feel good when I dance with my friends.

    I feel inspired when I see the night sky.

    Homework :

    écrire mon propre poème en m'inspirant de ceux vus en classe.


    Oral comprehension : a man for the job

    A student is making a speech to promote himself as a potential class president.  He wants to convince his classmates to vote for him.

    He makes 3 suggestions for changes around the school :

    - cheaper prices in the cafeteria

    - longer breaks between classes

    - less homework

    He says he is the right person for the job because he is reliable and responsible. He knows how to take important decisions because he's a referee.

    Homework :

    What changes would you like in your school? (3 phrases de réponse)


    What changes would you like in your school?

    I would change our working times because we work from 8am to 6 pm three days out of five. (WOULD + BV)

    I'd like us to have lighter schedules.

    I'd like the food at the cafeteria / school restaurant to be better.

    It would be good to have a real students' room that is open constantly.

    It would be good to have shorter classes.

    I'd like the school to have air co (air conditioning)

    I'd like the young adults in charge of watching us to be friendlier and kinder.  It would be nice if they could smile more!


    Vocabulary :

    In a reality show, there are contestants competing to win a prize. They can compete as teams or individually.

    Make your choice and say why :

    I'd love to participate in the Amazing Race because...

    I'd be the perfect candidate for the Fear Factor because...

    I think I would be a really good candidate for American Idol because...

    I'm very sporty and determined...

    I'm very talented and smart.  I'm a really good hunter...

    I'm super enduring...

    I have all the right skills for this adventure!

    I love competition and I'm good at sports.

    The SWAP - Video

    Two girls who have very different lifestyles are going to swap lives for 2 weeks:

    Susie is very rich (she comes from a wealthy family).  She lives in a big mansion.  She can afford to have many activities (horse-riding, driving luxury cars, seeing her friends...) : her life is easy!

    On the contrary, Jules has no money at all (she's poor). She has no family. She does have lots of friends who she shares a flat with. This flat is in the city and has a view of a brick wall and the street down below.



    Préparation à la tâche finale.

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