• Wild wild west

    Using the following link, explore a few states and find out about them.

    If you have problems with vocabulary, use the thesaurus or dictionary.


    Talking about a state.  Choose one of the states and prepare a 1 minute talk about it.


    Hour 1 :

    Documents page 72 :

    Arizona is located in the south west of the US between California and New Mexico right on the border with Mexico.

    The landscape is one of desert and rocks. There are cacti and mountains. Arizona is known as Grand Canyon State.


    Colorado is located in the mid-west between Utah and Kansas. There are high snow-capped mountains which are part of the Rockies mountain range. The eagle is the emblem of Colorado.


    Utah is located in the mid-west of the US between Nevada and Colorado. There is an arch there called Delicate Arch with a view over the Rockies.  Utah became a state in 1896 and the state capital is Salt Lake City and it's also the capital of Mormon country. (Mormons are a religious group)


    Washington state is located in the north-west between Idaho and the pacific ocean, right on the border with Canada.

    The landscape is one of ocean and there are killer whales which are endangered.


    Idaho shares part of its border with Canada. It's located in the North-West of the United-States between Oregon and Washington in the West and Montana and Wyoming in the East. It's a state where forests are very important: people plant trees as an effort of conservation and forestry is a big part of the economy. The capital city is Boise.

    Hawai is also a state but it's composed of a small group of islands in the Pacific Ocean.







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